Well Being Walks Podcast
Welcome to Well Being Walks. Kip Hollister, CEO & Founder of The Hollister Group – Staffing & Cultures, created this podcast to encourage a different kind of conversation about leadership – one that gets at the essence of what it means to lead from the heart and soul.
In each episode, Kip and her guest take a walk in nature. Kip walks with business leaders, entrepreneurs, educators, community pacesetters, and more. Kip believes being in nature allows us to more freely connect as human beings and to have a dialogue that goes beyond the boardroom and traditional business conversation.
Join Kip for rich discussions that explore new and dynamic leadership perspectives and highlight the benefits of focusing less on “doing” and more on simply “being.” You will come away with new insights, awareness, and pearls of wisdom to reflect upon as you lead your own life.

Grace Andrews: Letting Go

Carmen Ortiz: Taking Care of Yourself is Not Selfish

Andrea Cohen: That Voice in Our Head

Deb Hicks: In Good Leadership, Compassion, Vulnerability, & Trust Come First

Larry Gennari: Service Leadership and Living a Life that Matters

Dr. Beverly Edgehill: Being a Leader of Color in Today’s Business Environment