Women's Initiative

As a female-led organization with a 36-year legacy, we strongly believe that work is best done in a spirit of collaboration, rather than competition. Our 12-Month Proprietary REAL Leadership Trainings are designed to increase accountability, enhance engagement, and maximize results that drive organizational revenue and growth.
Client Voices
“Your team empowered us to have honest conversations about smoldering issues before they burst into flames. We are not the same team you first met more than a year ago, we are stronger despite the odds.”
Denise M Cultures Division Client

Customized 12-Month Programs

Providing customized programming designed to educate, encourage, and empower female-led organizations to grow their leadership, their people, and their revenues.

  • The Art of Giving & Receiving Feedback
  • How to Have Difficult Conversations
  • Transformational vs. Transactional Sales
  • Elements of Effective One on Ones
  • The Art & Science of Relationship Building
  • Myth of Work-Life Balanace

Program Details

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