Three Keys for Infusing Your Work with Passion

Three Keys for Infusing Your Work with Passion
Have you ever wondered how musicians can deliver amazing concerts over and over as though it was their first time? For example, former Beatle, Paul McCartney is still touring at 81! He has been writing and performing songs for over five decades and he doesn’t look to be slowing down anytime soon.
Or what about those teachers who are still excited about imparting the same knowledge to students for 40 years? How do they motivate themselves every day to bring energy and enthusiasm to their classroom?
I would suggest it is because they have found their passion and they are able to stay emotionally tapped into it. If you would like to tap into the enthusiasm you felt when you started your career, then the following three tips will help infuse your work with passion.
- Remember Your “WHY”
You chose your career path for a reason. When work becomes monotonous, it’s easy to fall into the trap of simply “getting the job done”. One way to rediscover your passion is to remember why you chose your career. When you identify what really matters to you about your career, you are able to pursue it relentlessly.
- Endeavor to Impact Others
People who strive to make a difference and constantly seek to impact others through their work retain a high level of passion. When you look for ways to positively influence your company, your clients, or the world at large, you bring a heightened energy and vision to all you do. Mark Twain captured this principle when he said: The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.
- Remain Curious
Often people feel stuck because they have stopped learning and growing. One of the keys to keeping your motivational flame burning is to constantly fuel it with ideas, information and news relevant to your work. When you are constantly on a quest for more knowledge to grow and improve your skills, it keeps you from feeling stagnant.
Many situations can contribute to your passion fizzling: stress, increased workload or a shift in your work environment. When that happens, it is easy to forget the reason you chose your career in the first place. You owe it to yourself to live up to your passion and let it drive your career instead of simply going through the motions in life and work. As Steve Jobs said: The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

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